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Mar 29, 2022

This week, we are bidding 2021 one last kick in the face....I mean..."Fond Farewell."  As has become tradition on this podcast, we have our top picks for best and worst films of the past year.  Some of them may surprise you, infuriate you, or may even make you decide to check out some gems that you had not yet heard of....

Mar 24, 2022

This week, we are back with a long long long overdue breakdown of the year that was 2021.  Yes it's March and yea this is usually the time of the year when we pull a bad Leprechaun movie to review...but 2021 was full of so much insanity, how could we not spend some time talking about it.  How much insanity do you ask?...

Mar 8, 2022

This week, we are still stuck in the bowels of The Matrix.  This time we are jacking in to the entire storied trilogy with a specific question driving us,"How can a franchise go from being a perfect summation of late 90's cyber punk culture to laughable meme?"  So grab your trenchcoats and late 90's nihilism as we dive...