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Oct 29, 2016

To close out our month long celebration of all things Halloween, we are giving you the ultimate treat or trick with a Halloween themed entry into our Pantheon of Utter Shit.  This time around we induct the 1986 heavy metal classic, Trick or Treat.  This is not to be confused with the very, very, very good Michael...

Oct 23, 2016

Podcast Audience!  You gotta come back with us!  Where you ask?..BACK TO THE FUTURE!  This week, in honor of Back to the Future Day 2016 (October 21st-The Day Marty and Doc land in the future) we decided to take a look back at the franchise that introduced us to hover boards, self lacing Nikes, and Donald Trump....I...

Oct 16, 2016

Welcome children of the night!  This week, Brian, John, and Elaine regale us with the long and storied history of the vampire film and its place in horror cinema.  We will try to answer some of the big questions associated with vampire movies, like how in less than 100 years we can go from blood thirsty, sex...

Oct 7, 2016

'Tis the season for ghosts, goblins, and horror movies and Brian, John, and Elaine have the picks for your halloween season viewing. We break down our top 3 favorite horror movies to get you in the halloween mood with plenty of scares, blood, gore, and a gratuitous nudity.  So turn out the lights and get comfortable as...