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May 27, 2016

The gang straps in for an 8 bit barrage of utter shit in the form of movie adaptations of some of your most treasured video games; in particular Super Mario Bros. from 1993.  We try to answers some of the most striking questions from the film like can you really trust the fungus and did this movie slowly kill...

May 20, 2016

This week we take a short detour from our usual review-centric episodes and interview Cinematographer, Producer, and an all around great friend, Ryan Haggerty of Haggerty Media.  Ryan will be discussing a new film premiering on June 1st called "Blood on the Leaves" that he has been involved with as well as his insights...

May 13, 2016

This week Brian, John, and Elaine tackle the gigantic rotting elephant in the room; REMAKES!  We examine the new trend in the Hollywood remake factory; using nostalgia to attract both old and new audiences and how that quite literally is setup to crash and burn.  Buckle up folks!  It's gonna be a bumpy ride!

May 9, 2016

We are jumping in our delorean, gunning it to 88mph, and traveling back to the year that gave us "The Rachel" hair cut and JNCO Jeans: 1995; to review the coming of age female dram-edy, Now and Then. We try to answers some of the more serious questions posed in the film such as, Can you get pregnant from french kissing? and...