Jan 24, 2022
This week, we are back from the multiverse of franchise madness and boy oh boy do we have a doozey of an episode to you with our review of Spiderman: No Way Home. A movie that has proved to be one of the biggest films since Avengers: Endgame and one of the most buzz worthy films in recent years. Literally all of 2021 was a combination of news on the pandemic and rumors and leaks about just how many spidermen would be in Spiderman: No Way Home. But does a movie with that much buzz actually deliver? We've seen so many times that when fans get whipped up into a frenzy that the end results do not always live up to expectations (looking at you Star Wars Sequel Trilogy). So grab your web cartridges and nostalgia as we websling our way through Spiderman: No Way Home.
We've got a brand new youtube show called "From The Concession Stand." It is a biweekly look at all your favorite content coming from the world of streaming video.
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Our co-host, John Wooliscroft, has a brand new film channel on youtube. Check it out and Subscribe at J DUB'S VIDEO NASTIES
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Theme Music:
TITLE: “Red Alert”
AUTHOR: Jack Waldenmaier
PUBLISHER: Music Bakery Publishing (BMI)
All copyrights, licensing, duplication and distribution rights are held exclusively by Music Bakery Publishing (BMI).