Aug 29, 2021
This week's episode is 220 episodes in the making. This week, we are closing out our long running review of the Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher Original Batman Series with 1997's Batman and Robin. What is truly amazing about this cluster of neon, terrible acting, terrible story, puns, and camp galore is that this movie was the fear that fan boys had back in 1988 when Michael Keaton, at the time knkown for comedic roles, was cast. A fear that Batman would return to the ridiculous and over the top parody as seen in the 1960's Adam West series. This film is notable for being the death kneel in the Batman franchise that ultimately would help spawn a super hero revival rooted in darker and more mature superhero stories. It begs the question, if Batman and Robin didn't exist as the proverbial "rock bottom" would we have movies like Blade, Xmen, Spiderman, and the films of the MCU? Join us today as take a trip back to the day that Batman died in the theaters as we review, BATMAN AND ROBIN!
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Theme Music:
TITLE: “Red Alert”
AUTHOR: Jack Waldenmaier
PUBLISHER: Music Bakery Publishing (BMI)
All copyrights, licensing, duplication and distribution rights are held exclusively by Music Bakery Publishing (BMI).